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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters
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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters

IQAir V5-Cell replacement filter - the GasProtect - is back in stock at a reduced price

A short post to let everyone know that our IQAir V5-Cell replacement filter - the GasProtect - is back in stock, and comes at a reduced price!

The GasProtect is the second-stage filter for all 3-filter IQAir HealthPro machines, including the IQAir HealthPro 250 and IQAir HealthPro Plus. It is a fully compatible replacement for the IQAir V5-Cell filter.

The filter is framed in 100% recycled cardboard, and is populated with US-manufactured filtration media, providing broad-spectrum protection against gaseous pollutants, and ensuring exceptional lifespan.

As always, you can find detailed information on which IQAir filter is needed for your machine here, and how to replace IQAir filters here.

* IQAir, HealthPro, HyperHEPA, V5-Cell, and PreMax are registered trademarks of the IQAir Group

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